I am a first-year Ph.D. student at the University of Victoria with Dr. Hausi Muller and Dr. Ulrike Stege and I am interested and fascinated by Quantum Computing. For the last few months, I have delved into the world of quantum computing and I find it incredibly fascinating. Specifically, I’m interested in the areas of quantum graph algorithms, optimization, and quantum hybrid algorithms. I’m a student of the IBM Centre for Advanced Studies in Markham, Ontario with principal investigators Mehdi Bozzo-Rey and John Longbottom along with my supervisors. This CAS project grant is titled “CAS 1116: Quantum Problem Solving and Algorithm Design”.
I’m currently looking for research internships for Summer 2020.
PhD in Computer Science, Current
University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada
MSc in Computer Science, 2018
University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada
BTech in Computer Science, 2012
Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management, Visakhapatnam, India
Style Transfer using GANs: In this project, I implemented a PyTorch pipeline for Style Transfer of images using Generative Adversarial Networks
Foodie: A conversational agent for the smart kitchen: For my master’s thesis, as a prototype, I built Foodie using IBM Watson Conversation and Spoonacular, a food database that provides personalized recipes.
GymSlick: Smart Activity Workout Tracker: This was an IoT based application using Bluetooth Low Energy Devices (Estimote Beacons) which tracked gyom workouts
Priority-Based Real-Time Operating System for Arduino https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGwMPk6ojA8
For a real time systems course, I developed a Priority-Based Real-Time Operating System and an application on top of it for controlling Roomba robots.
Flickr Trends This trend detection data mining project uses time-series trend analysis on the geo-tags of images uploaded to Flickr, a photosharing website.